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Registration Information
CT Law for Kindergarten Entrance- Waivers Due January 31, 2025
English Language Arts-Kindergarten



Throughout the year in kindergarten, students will learn:
Letter Identification
Blending sounds to read
Grade Level Trick Words
Letter Sounds
Segmenting sounds in a word
Concept of Digraphs
Letter Formation
Manipulating sounds in a word
Sentence Structure
Kindergarten-EL Education

Module 1
Toys and Play
Module 2
Weather Wonders
Module 3
Trees Are Alive
Module 4
Enjoying and Appreciating Trees
Unit 1
Students respond to text through thinking and
speaking about Illustrations. Students select responses
with visuals and use partner
Students independent write
about weather using a short, constructed
response with drawing and
Students read and answer
questions about an
informational text by selecting responses and writing a short, constructed response
with drawing and writing.
Students compare and contrast characters from a text through a short, constructed
response with drawing and
writing and small group
Unit 2
Students use scaffolded writing to write about the
classroom toys they prefer.
Students identify story elements in text by writing a short, constructed
response with drawing and
Students research and write
about how animals depend on trees
through scaffolded writing.
Students will learn about an
Author’s point and writing opinions.
They will answer selected response questions and complete a
scaffolded writing piece.
Unit 3
Students work on speaking and listening standards by interviewing a classmate about
afFavorite classroom toy
Students reflect on a text in a small group structured discussion.
Students discuss the needs ofl living things through a series of small group
Science Talks.
Students will add ideas to their writing with
detailed drawings
and writing with partner discussion
Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive K-5 mathematics curriculum that equips teachers to fully implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners. The curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems. Bridges blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration. The program taps into the intelligence strengths of all students by presenting material that is as linguistically, visually, and kinesthetically rich as it is mathematically powerful.
Bridges Overview:
In kindergarten, students focus on whole numbers and shapes.
Kindergarteners will:
*Count and compare numbers to 100, with a special focus on numbers to 20
*Think about joining and separating situations as addition and subtraction
*Sort, compare, and draw shapes
*Combine shapes to make other shapes and complete puzzles
Units and Modules
Unit 1
Numbers to Five & 10
Unit 2
Numbers to 10
Unit 3
Bikes & Bugs: Double, Add & Subtract
Unit 4
Paths to Adding, Subtracting & Measuring
Unit 5
Two-Dimensional Geometry
Unit 6
Three-Dimensional Shapes & Numbers Beyond Ten
Unit 7
Weight & Place Value
Unit 8
Computing and Measuring with Frogs & Bugs
Number Corner Overview:
Number Corner is a program of skills practice as well as ongoing encounters with broader mathematical concepts. Extensively revised to address the Common Core State Standards for mathematics, Number Corner featured daily 20-minute workouts that introduce, reinforce, and extend skills and concepts related to the critical areas of study at each grade level.
Number Corner Workouts:
The five Number Corner workouts are the springboard for the whole-group skills practice. Each is organized into daily activities that support a range of learners and tightly align with Common Core mathematical content and practice standards. Activities incorporate discussion, demonstration, games, and the Number Corner Student Book. The workouts give students many ways to participate: through movement, working with math materials, choral response, or sharing ideas with classmates.
Student Learning
Calendar Grid
Algebraic patterns and structure that introduce and reinforce a variety of key number and geometry skills.
Calendar Collector
Collections that promote deep understandings of estimation and counting, value, measurement, and data.
Days in School
Activities and routines that capitalize on the number of days students have been in school.
Computational Fluency
Activities, games, and practice pages designed to develop and maintain fluency.
Number Line
Activities that promote counting skills and number sense..
Mystery Science Overview:
Mystery Science is an innovative, standard-aligned, hands-on curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists. Phenomena-driven instruction helps kids to better understand and communicate about the world around them through writing, discussion, and exploration.
NGSS Kindergarten Standards:
Life Science
*Animal and plant needs
Earth and Space Science
*Severe Weather
*Weather Patterns
Physical Science
*Sunlight and Warmth
*Pushes and Pulls
Social Studies
The following are the units of study for the kindergarten social studies curriculum
National heroes and holidays
Maps and globes
Wants vs. needs and jobs
Class rules, understanding consequences for behavior, being a classroom citizen
Extra Curricular Activities
Kindergarten Library Card Event
Kindergarten Classroom Teachers
Mrs. Buhler
Mrs. Coffee
Mrs. Corgan
Miss McCormack
Mrs. O’Leary
Ms. Rebuzzini
Information Page