The First Grade classroom provides a nurturing environment where all children are encouraged to grow and learn at their own rate. Instruction is designed to be developmentally appropriate, and to meet the needs of the diverse learning styles of children ages 5 - 7.
Academic instruction is accomplished through a variety of activities which include
- Readers,Writers, & Math Workshop Model
- Shared Reading
- Classroom Discussions
- Learning Centers
- Small Group Instruction/Reteaching
- Individual Conferencing
- Independent Practice
- Ongoing Informal and Formal Assessments
First Grade instruction includes…
Reading Concepts and Skills:
- Short/long Vowels
- Decoding Strategies
- Syllabication
- Comprehension Strategies
- Responding to Reading
- Writing Concepts & Skills
- Personal Narratives
- Fictional Narratives
- Informational Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Grammar
Math Concepts & Skills
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Patterns up to 120
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Data Collection
Science Concepts and Skills
- Physical Science
- Forces and Motion
- Technology and Measurement
- Life Science
- Life Cycle of animals
- Earth Science
- Solar System
Social Studies Concepts and Skills
- Historical Events
- Geographical Locations
- Citizenship & Government
- Economic Understanding
- Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Understanding
Specials Instruction
- Art
- Library Media
- Music
- Physical Education
- World Language Instruction - Spanish